program main use accel_lib integer :: n ! size of the vector real,dimension(:),allocatable :: a ! the vector real,dimension(:),allocatable :: r ! the results real,dimension(:),allocatable :: e ! expected results integer :: i integer :: c0, c1, c2, c3, cgpu, chost character(10) :: arg1 if( iargc() .gt. 0 )then call getarg( 1, arg1 ) read(arg1,'(i10)') n else n = 100000 endif if( n .le. 0 ) n = 100000 allocate(a(n)) allocate(r(n)) allocate(e(n)) do i = 1,n a(i) = i*2.0 enddo call acc_init( acc_device_nvidia ) call system_clock( count=c1 ) !$acc parallel !$acc loop gang vector do i = 1,n r(i) = sin(a(i)) ** 2 + cos(a(i)) ** 2 enddo !$acc end parallel call system_clock( count=c2 ) cgpu = c2 - c1 do i = 1,n e(i) = sin(a(i)) ** 2 + cos(a(i)) ** 2 enddo call system_clock( count=c3 ) chost = c3 - c2 ! check the results do i = 1,n if( abs(r(i) - e(i)) .gt. 0.000001 )then print *, i, r(i), e(i) endif enddo print *, n, ' iterations completed' print *, cgpu, ' microseconds on GPU' print *, chost, ' microseconds on host' end program