2/16 HPCAIAC 日本カンファレンスのご案内
HPC MLの皆さまへ
HPC-AI Advisory Councilの第2回日本会議に協力しております。
★2022 HPC-AI Advisory Council 日本カンファレンス
Cloud-Native Supercomputing Architecture
14:00-14:05 Opening (Japanese/English)
Masaki Iwatani, HPC-AI Advisory Council
14:05-14:25 Entering Cloud Native Supercomputing Era (English)
Gilad Shainer, HPC-AI Advisory Council
14:25–14:50 Activities for HPC and AI in PC Cluster Consortium (Japanese)
Mitsuhisa Sato, Chairman of PCCC
14:50-15:15 Accelerating MPI and Deep Learning Applications with DPU
Technology (English)
Dhabaleswar Panda, Ohio State University
15:15-15:40 Accelerating AI/ML lifecycles with ABCI (Japanese)
Ryousei Takano, AIST/PCCC
15:40-15:45 Break
15:45-16:05 mdx: A Large-scale Platform Towards Data-driven
Societies (Japanese)
Toshihiro Hanawa, University of Tokyo
16:05–16:25 Development of “Flow”, a supercomputer integrating
numerical computation and data science (Japanese)
Takahiro Katagiri, Nagoya-University
16:25-16:45 Introduction for Fugaku Cloud Platform (Japanese)
Keiji Yamamoto, RIKEN R-CCS
16:45-17:05 NVIDIA Computing Platform Overview (Japanese)
Kuninobu Sasaki, NVIDIA
17:05–17:25 Secure and flexible data-intensive computing: Usage and
features of DDN Storage (Japanese)
Shuichi Ihara, DDN
17:25-17:30 Closing (Japanese)
Masaki Iwatani, HPC-AI Advisory Council