[Nov. 27, 2024 (Deadline: Nov. 25, 2024)] Call for participation in the 15th Meetings for application code tuning on A64FX computer systems

高度情報科学技術研究機構 (RIST) の太田幸宏と申します。MLを

RIKEN Center for Computational Science and Research Organization
for Information Science and Technology collaboratively organize
a series of meetings for application code tuning on A64FX computer
systems. We are inviting you to attend our upcoming webinar
held on November 27th, 2024. The registration will be open until
November 25th, 2024. We look forward to your participation.


# The 15th Meeting for application code tuning on A64FX computer systems
[Date] 3:00pm ? 5:00pm (JST), Wednesday, November 27th, 2024

[Registration (Until November 25th, 2024)]

1. Enhance the Strong Scaling of LAMMPS on Fugaku
Speakers: Jianxiong Li (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Abstract: Physical phenomenon such as protein folding requires
simulation up to microseconds of physical time, which
directly corresponds to the strong scaling of molecular dynamics
(MD) on modern supercomputers. In this talk, I would like to share our
optimizations of the state-of-the-art MD code LAMMPS on Fugaku by
exploiting the 6D mesh/torus topology of the TofuD network.

2. Improving Communication Performance Using the Low-Level API uTofu in Supercomputer Fugaku
Speakers: Takayuki Saji (Metoro, Inc.)
Abstract: TBA

* Please use the chat feature to ask your questions in the meeting.
* The meeting will be recorded.
* The presentation materials and the recorded movie will be open to
public in the website:

E-mail: hpc-support-admin[-at-]hpci-office.jp
(Please replace [-at-] with @.)